The Latest Pics- Finally!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally, some time to write

OK, my goal of posting a new entry every Monday is not working out too well . . . but if you only knew our schedule lately.

Church has been hectic, GREAT but hectic. Things are starting to slow down some now and I am catching my breath.

All of the church events would not have been so bad had we not all been battling sickness after sickness in the family. Melissa, Kennedy, Kaitlyn, Chloe, and then back around again. I was about the only one who didn't get it too bad, and even I caught it a little bit. All the girls are still recovering from sinus, cough/congestion, etc. so please be praying for healing in our family. It is taking our bodies a while to adjust to Georgia.

With that said though, we are loving it here. The church has welcomed us with open arms and really joined me (Jason) on where God is taking us. It is truly an exciting time to be a part of Ray City First Baptist. I serve alongside a great pastor, a great people, and an even greater God! He is doing GREAT things here.

In addition to sickness and church events, I have also joined the Ray City Fire Department as a Firefighter and the Chaplain. I'm really excited about this opportunity and thrilled to be living out a childhood dream. The other firefighters have been great too about welcoming me aboard. (Even though I did drench one when I was learning how to work the hose! Sorry 'bout that Photo!) I'm just waiting for a call now. I've had my pager since Thursday and not one call yet! Well, I guess it's kind of bad wishing for a call to come in! :)

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