The Latest Pics- Finally!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who are the Camdens?

The title of our blog is really one of those "inside family jokes." Well, since you've asked (OK, no one really asked, but I was looking for something to blog about and decided on this). But ever since Melissa and I have been married (and even before then) we were both fans of the TV show- 7th Heaven.

And fairly often, probably every three episodes or so, something would happen in that show that would parallel our lives. We began saying to each other- "Our life is like the Camdens!"

For instance, the Camdens have the same Denby china that we did (we lost ours in Katrina). Also, of course the obvious one, Eric is a minister and so is Jason. The Camdens were surprised with twins, and so are we. Now at least our twins are coming after just one child, not five! And Chloe is very reminiscent of a young Ruthie! We're praying that she becomes more like Lucy!!

Aagh! I'm sick!

And not only me, but my whole family- Melissa and Chloe included. The only on that is well is Holi (the dog). We all have the flu and let me tell you I will be the first in line to get the flu shot next year! This stuff is not fun!!

It's been a while since I wrote last so I thought I would give you some updates as to everything that's going on. Both Kennedy and Katelyn are doing great. At the last sonogram (a week ago today) Kennedy weighed 1 lb, 10 oz and Katelyn was 1 lb. 8 oz. Both right where they need to me. Melissa is measuring 34 weeks (although she is only 25!) and is starting to feel somewhat uncomfortable but I'm sure the worst is yet to come.

In my previous post I had said I'd vote for John Rousanville for Congress. Well, I changed my mind and voted for Greg Harper who is in the runoff against Charlie Ross. I really don't think either one of these guys is a bad choice.

And isn't it fun to watch the democrats tear each other apart!! Keep it up Hill and Obama!

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Class Act

Tomorrow is Mississippi's Primary- a race I don't really get to vote in. Well, at least for President this go around anyway. Followers of this blog know that I have been a vocal supporter of Mike Huckabee since the very beginning. Unfortunately, its not his time this go around. And no, I can not go into the voting booth and vote for Hillary just to keep the democratic party furor going until their convention. They're doing a good enough job of that on their own.

Of course, I am now adamantly and whole heartedly supporting John McCain. You might not agree with every one of his positions- when have you ever found someone you agree with 100% of the time besides yourself?- but I do believe he will keep our country safe, take us in a positive economic direction, and uphold the values and traditions of our country, our religion, and the Republican party.

For those of us in the 3rd Congressional District in Mississippi that are Republicans, we do have a major vote to cast in that primary. My vote will go for . . . John Rounsaville. I encourage you to support him as well.

I've said that this blog would also be about technology and all things Mac, and with very limited exception, I've really yet to post anything on here about that. Well, get ready, as we prepare to take a brief break from the political realm, I need something new to rant about. :)

BTW, click here to read Mike's letter about his departure- he is truly a class act. And my "dream ticket" for 2016 (Yes, of course McCain will win in 08 and re-election in 2012 :) Mike Huckabee and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal! The south will rise again!! LOL