The Latest Pics- Finally!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Mouse Chronicle- Part II: Holi the Mouse Slayer

OK, you must read the The Mouse Chronicle (detailed below or in archives) to fully understand Part II. Luckily, no showers were involved this time!

As we were preparing to leave for the Christmas holidays and I was coming back in from loading the van, I recognized a very familiar carcass laying on the kitchen floor in front of the dishwasher. However, instead of his normal scurrying faster than Flo-Jo self, he was not moving one bit at all and curled into a little ball.

Yes, our mouse, or most likely a relative, had come back, but had found the little treat we had left out for him and was now dead. Not wanting Chloe (or Melissa for that matter) to see him, I hurried to the back of the house to find a shoebox to pick him up to dispose of him. However, by the Chloe and I (she had come back inside from playing) and I made it to the front of the house to take him back outside for the last time, our dog, Holi, has him in her mouth and is heading outside with him!

Now I'm sure Holi thought she was protecting her household by disposing of this ferocious, albeit dead, pest, but where was she when I was screaming my head off in the shower!?

Oh yeah, she was on her daily morning time biscuit run at the neighbors! Man's best friend? Yea, she is. And a mouse slayer on top of it!

Huckabee Resonds to Criticism

This morning, you and yours, like my family and I, were most likely in church worshiping our Lord and Savior. If so, you most likely missed Meet the Press with Tim Russert on NBC. Of course, to be honest, there's not any Sunday morning I make sure to watch Meet the Press, but today's episode was not to be missed.

I am sure you have heard much criticism lately regarding GOP Candidate Mike Huckabee and his alleged handling of certain issues (namely taxes, immigration, and crime). It appears that Mitt Romney has ran out of nice things to say about himself and is therefore attacking his opponents.

Huckabee has claimed that Romney's attacks have been dishonest. However, as one commentator on Fox News pointed out recently, they haven't heard Huckabee say why they were dishonest. Well, for that commentator and everyone else that has been wondering- listen up!

Huckabee did a great job on Meet the Press this morning answering his critics and defending his faith. You can watch the interview by clicking here.

Unfortunately does not yet have enbeddable video links, or I would simply post the video on here. Of course, it is MS(Microsoft) NBC, so what do you expect?! Also, for all my other Mac Addicts out there, do you notice someting eerily familiar about the color changing peacock symbol while you wait for the video to load? Yes, once again Microsoft copies (oops, I meant borrows) from Mac!

The Twins at 11 Weeks

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sonogram Looks Good

TWIN UPDATE- We had another sonogram done yesterday (the third of many more to come) and the babies are looking great. You could really tell a lot of profile yesterday. They were both about 45 cm and heart rates were around 170. Melissa is 11 weeks along and other than morning sickness, is doing fine. They are definitely in two sacs (yea! This is a very good thing!) and it looks like one placenta. That's not as good as separate placentas, but they could not tell definitely that there weren't two placentas. So keep praying for that.

I will post sonogram pics on Friday.

4 Game Suspension Not Enough

If you haven't heard yet, my beloved Seminoles are now front and center of what appears to be a very bad cheating scandal.

More than 25 student-athletes (football players included) are believed to have cheated on tests through an internet based course with the help of some tutors. Those football players (other sports were also involved) have been suspended from the Music City Bowl against Kentucky as well as the first three games of the 2008 season.

However, if the allegations are true a four game suspension is not enough. I believe these players should be removed from the football team- no matter how much of a star they are.

Our university system today has lost its focus on its mission of education. Sports- the money maker they are in our country- have far replaced academics as what most universities stand for or try to achieve.

However, the suspensions should not stop there. The Athletic Director will resign on December 31- good move. Also, one full-time tutor has already been fired and any more found to be involved should be as well.

One of the biggest reasons I became a fan of Florida State was because of Bobby Bowden. However, no sports star or coach in America is worth 2.5 million dollars. I love you Bobby, but you don't need that big of a paycheck. I wonder if any professors of Florida State make 2.5 million dollars (with added incentives if there students score well on a test!)?

Should Bobby retire? In one more year, yes. There needs to be a "retirement year" for Bowden. A farewell tour if you will. If Bobby were to walk away now I believe that it is too dark of a note to end on for himself and for Florida State.

However, before you begin bashing Florida State too much, remember, this happens at every university. None of them are immune. I think that this quote that was posted by a fan on sums it up:

Let's just be honest, not only with FSU but many other universities as well. We've lost the "student" in student-athlete. These kids don't go to college to study they go to play football or basketball. As a former athlete I can honestly say that I spent more time practicing and studying film than studying for exams and doing homework. In the athletes mind that's not why they are there, they believe it's stepping stone to the NBA or NFL, which right now I would agree with them. qdubz4235

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What really matters

Amen President Huckabee! (I'm speaking on faith here). No matter what candidate you support, this is a refreshing ad. And no doubt, it will drive the liberals nuts! I truly believe this election is going to be one of the biggest decisions we as a nation, and Christians, have ever made.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Mouse Chronicle

For the record, I am not afraid to admit that I can shriek like a woman! Here's what happened.

This morning as I was waking up and getting ready to come to church, I go to my bathroom down the hall. I flip on the light, still not fully awake, and see something scurry across the floor. My first thought is, "That was a really big roach." After realizing that if a roach was truly that big, I'm grabbing my family and getting out of the house- I woke up some more and realized that was no roach- it was a mouse!

My second action was to go into full girly mode and hop on top of the vanity and shriek. Now, yes, I'm as much of a man as the next guy, but at 7:00 in the morning in my pajamas, I wanted to know what this mouse's intentions were before we had a face to face.

I hollered at Melissa to bring me a shoe box and for the next five minutes I tried to corner and scoop Mickey into said shoe box. Have you ever tried to corner a mouse before? They are some of the quickest creatures I have ever dealt with.

The mouse disappeared on me into one of the cabinets. I slowly opened the cabinet door and saw him nice and comfy in the back of the closet. Knowing I had to get ready, I assumed he would stay there and him and I would have a heart to heart a little later. Notice I did say "assumed," we all know what that means.

A few minutes later I jump into the shower. I always wash my hair last, not sure why, just what I've always done. As I am getting ready to begin washing my hair I felt something fall down my back. My first thought is, "No, there is no way that could be him." However, as I look down I quickly realize that Ratatouielle and myself are now showering together!!

Once again, I shrieked. Not only did I shriek but I jumped up on the back corners of the tub, holding the detachable shower faucet in one hand and trying to drown the mouse, while I keep my balance and try to keep from falling and killing myself with the other.

He kept coming towards me, I kept dowsing him. At one point he raises up on his two legs and tilts his head as he gives me this cute, "I'm an innocent mouse" look. Now, I don't know if he could give me any good gourmet recipes or not, but I wasn't taking a chance. I sprayed him towards the front of the tub, got out, grabbed the shoe box, and was able to scoop him up.

I finished getting ready for work and decided I would release the furry little creature into the woods down the road. As I pick up the shoebox, I expect to feel the little booger scurry around or at least make some noise. Nothing. I shake the shoebox. Still Nothing. I shake a little harder. Thud. Oh no, I've killed him. Now, I wasn't going to loose any sleep over this, but nonetheless, I didn't want to kill him- he was probably just looking for a warm place to sleep. I was just going to deport him. :)

Had the water been too hot and scalded him? Did I drown him? Had the fright of seeing me taking a shower gave him a little mousy heart attack?

I grabbed the shoebox and went down the road to the woods. I decided I would peek in on the little fella to judge his condition. His condition was just fine!! I'm beginning to believe he had done this before since he played possum so well. He jumps out of the box and scurries off into the woods.

Hopefully, this story does not turn into "The Mouse Chronicle(S)!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Leave Comments

Hey everyone!
We want you to leave your comments, prayer requests, praises, and encouragements (especially about the twins). It's super simple. Just click on the Leave Comment link at the end of each post and type away. You don't even have to register or have a blog yourself. And don't worry, I moderate all comments so nothing bad will ever be posted. Or you can also tell me not to post and we'll keep those between you and us!

A Country Boy Can Survive!

Much is now being said and asked bout Mike Huckabee's time as governor as it relates to pardons, paroles, and commutation of sentences. Before you jump to conclusions, please take time to understand as much as you can about the cases involved. The article that is linked above (click on this post's title) and a video that was posted yesterday are great places to start.

These attacks (whether they are from Romney, the DNC, or whoever) should come as no surprise to Huckabee or his staff. After all, he is now the front runner in several polls. As Huckabee has said before, no one shoots at a dead duck.

I believe that if Huckabee continues to be open, honest, and frank about why he did what he did, and communicates well the real truth behind these stories, then this will not bring him down, but help bring him up.

If Huckabee does survive to the general election (and I believe he can and I support him in that) then these attacks will seem miniscule to what Clinton Inc will come at him with.

There is no perfect candidate out there. But let's be sure that we support someone that holds our values, seeks to do what the Lord tells him to (even if its not popular), and actually prays to the same Jesus and God that we do (and NO, Romney's "Jesus" and "God" are not the same as yours and mine!) . . . more on that later.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Huckabee Explains Rapist Case (CBS News)

It's important that you understand the truth about the Wayne DuMond case, not just what the media wants you to believe. Listen to Governor Huckabee himself explain what happened.

Congratulations Tim!

OK, you know that it is very hard for a proud Seminole fan to actually wish a Florida Gator well. But this one deserves it! Tebow has his priorities in order and is truly living his faith for all to see. Let's remember to pray for him as he will have a very big target on his back- in more ways than one. What is it that Florida keeps getting all these tremendous Christian quarterbacks? :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Top 5 Prayer Requests for Twins

Here's the Top 5 Prayer Requests we'd like you to add to your list: (in no particular order):
  1. For the twins- health, Godly wisdom, beauty, and well-mannered, but most importantly- to become Champions for God. Call us conceited, but these are the same things we prayed for with Chloe and we know that God answers prayers!
  2. For Melissa- health, strength, and an end to morning sickness. It has been no where near as bad as it was with Chloe, but when it comes, it comes!
  3. For Chloe- Chloe is estatic! Her response when we told her was "I planned it that way!" She wants two brothers- nothing else. So pray for Chloe to be just as excited as she is now even if she does not get two brothers.
  4. For Chloe- Pray for her adjustment when the twins come. She has been the center of mommy and daddy's attention for four years (when the twins get here) and that adjustment might be hard. But she will be a great help.
  5. For Jason- The reality is still sinking in. Pray for me in certain decisions that will be on the horizon as I seek to do what the Lord has called me to do and minister first and foremost to my family- that is fixing to get a lot larger.

O, Knippers family, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?

Yes, Dicky my friend, we are! Most of you should have heard by now that Melissa is pregnant. What you might not have heard is that- she is pregnant with TWINS!!! 

Yes, you read that right. Now, please pick your jaw up off the floor. Take a deep breath, and pray along with us.

And to answer your second question . . . to our knowledge there is nothing in the water at First Baptist Newton. However, please feel assured that to guarantee the safety of the church public and those not wishing for twins, the MS DEQ has been called in and we are advising all married women not seeking to have twins to immediately begin drinking bottled water. (For those of you that have no clue what I'm talking about our pastor, Luke, just had twins of his own! We have also had 16 babies born in our church within the last year.)

We know you will pray with us as God has given us a double blessing. This blog is where we will keep you up to date on all the latest baby happenings, Jason's political and technical rants, and everything else that is going on with us. This will be much easier for you to subscribe to than to get an e-mail in your box every week. And yes, this one will be much more updated than the previous blog we started in Birmingham. We promise a minimum of a post with every doctor's visit. And since there is a presidential election coming up, you can be sure Jason will be ranting about who you should vote for (BTW, Melissa agrees with him).

There is much going on with us, some news we can't post on here just yet, but rest assured as soon as we know it, you will know it.

We love you all!
Jason, Melissa, Chloe, Holi (the dog), Twin A, and Twin B!